QR Code Readers for your Mobile Device

    In order to read QR codes on your mobile device, you will need a QR Code reader. Some phones come with readers installed.
    Others require viewers to download them.

    Among the most popular readers are:

>  Optiscan - The best QR Code scanner for iPhones - it understands all the new trickier encoding types and has definitely 
                      kept up with development in QR code technology.

I-Nigma - Probably the most popular decoder/reader application and works on most of the popular smartphones.

Quickmark - For most phones, but most noticeably has an Android version and a Windows Mobile version

Barcode Scanner - Another good Android QR code reader. Available in the Android Market in the   
                                  Applications/Shopping category.

Nokia - Most Nokia's now come standard with the Nokia's own scanning software, but this one is good for N78,
                6210 Navigator, N80, N96 and 6220 Classic

Google Zxing - For the Android and iPhone plus quite a few others, but not Windows Mobile

SnapMaze - QR code reader for Nokia, Sony Ericcson and Motorola phones

NeoReader - A good range of phones and mobile devices (including iPhone and Blackberry) and also available
                         as AppStore download. 

Jaxo Systems - Runs on most Java-enabled phones

OkoTag - The new one from Jaxo. Java, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Android.

Blackberry Messenger - Comes standard with most Blackberry's

Upcode - Support for a wide range of Symbian, UIQ, windows mobile, Iphone, Blackberry and Java phones.